torsdag den 7. juni 2007

An age of konsekvenses

We are facing a time of konsekvenses. Imagine this: Greenland whithout ice. Half of the Nederlands under water. Manhatten so flooded, that Ground Zero woud be under water. Big parts of Singapore and allmoste all citys ALL OVER THE WORLD near to the ocean, under water. Drought and ekstrem varmth many places accros the world. Warmer water, that woud corse more and stronger storms, like Katrina. Earthquakes that are bigger and hapen more and more often, erupting volcanos, equally stronger and more often.


We are the ones that created this crisis (there is no dobt on that point, the eksperts have agreed on that), and we are the ones ho have to stop it (or at least keep the volume down a bit)

We need to act NOW, ore the planet will be un-habitable for humans in 2-3 genarations from now

1 kommentar:

Detuned sagde ...

Godt sagt kapper, godt sagt.

Tjek min blog XD:D