torsdag den 21. juni 2007

My english eksam on global warming

Warmth is not so unlike light. When it hits something, some of it is consumed by the object, and some is thrown away again. So when the sun’s light and warmth reaches the Earth, some of the warmth is thrown away into space. Luckily, Earth as an atmosphere, of Carbon dioxide and Oxygen and some miner gasses, that holds some of that warmth that have been thrown away, and that keeps the temperatures in a relatively stabile temperature. If we had no atmosphere, the temperatures would swing from several hundred degrees warm, to some A timeskale of CO2 in the atmosphere in the last 25.000 years

hundred degrees -. But when we fill up the atmosphere with gasses like metan and mainly Carbon dioxide, mainly known as CO2, then more and more of the heat waves are trapped in Earths atmosphere, thus heating up Earth. This could be a good thing, when we, in Denmark, get temperatures like the temperatures in today’s Sahara. But the increased temperatures are more then good summers in Europe. It means drought and extreme heat all over Earth, which will lead to the death of hundreds, maybe thousands people.

It also means that the ice on the poles will melt, and the water level at sea will increase world wide. That would mean floodings all over Earth, with millions of peoples drowning, as many big city’s are below the level the scientist say water level will be in some 50 years.

But the drowning of hundreds from a increasing sea level is not all the melting icecaps is causing.

A new theory, made by British geoglog Bill McGuire, says that when sea level raises, so will the pressure on the tectonic plates and magma chambers that are located under water, and that could cause volcanic eruption and earthquakes, witch then could cause tsunamis.

It might have bean the extra pressure on the tectonic plates that triggered the earthquake in December 05 that caused that massive tsunami, which killed hundreds of thousands of people.

McGuire also says, that when the ice is melting, a lot of the enormous pressure on the ground beneath it will fade. And then if the some of the earth are loose, it will cause underwater landslides, then causing tsunamis.

And some might say “its not sure its us that is causing that, the scientist are not all agreeing, but when Al Gore, an American politic, made his show and film, “An Inconvenient Truth”, he mentioned a test, that said that 0 of the scientific articles in the test said that global warming is not human-created, in the terms of the enormous amount of Carbon dioxide that is in the atmosphere now, relative to the amount of Carbon dioxide that as been in the atmosphere for the last 25.000 years, which as been measured from the ice cores bored from the ice on Antarctic. But we are already seeing the effects of global warming. The 10 hottest years ever measured throughout history have all accrued sins 1990.

torsdag den 7. juni 2007

An age of konsekvenses

We are facing a time of konsekvenses. Imagine this: Greenland whithout ice. Half of the Nederlands under water. Manhatten so flooded, that Ground Zero woud be under water. Big parts of Singapore and allmoste all citys ALL OVER THE WORLD near to the ocean, under water. Drought and ekstrem varmth many places accros the world. Warmer water, that woud corse more and stronger storms, like Katrina. Earthquakes that are bigger and hapen more and more often, erupting volcanos, equally stronger and more often.


We are the ones that created this crisis (there is no dobt on that point, the eksperts have agreed on that), and we are the ones ho have to stop it (or at least keep the volume down a bit)

We need to act NOW, ore the planet will be un-habitable for humans in 2-3 genarations from now